– You no longer can write using a pen. =/
– Keeping Google happy is more important to you than pleasing your guy.
– Everything in life is about SEO Compatibility. 😉
– You wish your cell phone had a ‘bold’ and ‘italics’ option.
– Your most prized possession is your jump drive. =P
– You find HTML to be more romantic than Shakespearean plays.
– You are more worried about your content writing then your dinner content.
– You start basing your relationships on keywords, tags, meta tags, keyword density, and back linking. =D
– Instead of emoticons like =) and 😉 you prefer using < p align = 'justify' >
– You think the best invention in the world is Google Analytics =P
Date Archives May 2011
“…Someone Who Loves You…”
I stand before you…
From head to toe…
My most sensitive mark
Visible to your naked eye.
I’ve traveled a long distance…
From Alexandria…
To Madrid…
From Wellington…
To Montreal.
And I find myself…
In the center of this circus…
And stripped away of my identity…!
You now stand before me…
And question my integrity.
You question my relationships.
And you raise a finger on my love.
The world around me…
Seems to know exactly how to maneuver me into a dark den
What they forget is that I’m guided by my own light.
You waltz in my life…knowing my weakness…
And decide to dictate me my flaws…
What you don’t realize is that my flaws make me strong.
While you are busy playing superficial…
I actually have people around whom I love dearly.
You obviously believe I’m not good enough…
I cannot be trusted…
And I am not like her.
What you forget in all of your verdicts…
That it was I…
Who held your hand…
When the world around you collapsed…!
It was I…
Who made you believe in yourself…
But now you are counting of all the ways…
I could do better.
I am done answering people.
I’m done trying to keep you happy.
You keep reminding me you have a hundred better options.
Well, I don’t want to be the 101 anymore.
This is it…
If you abuse me…
If you suspect me…
If you cannot accept me with all my imperfections…
Then It’s best to say our goodbyes…
No relationship can survive…
If one is adamant on changing the other.
I’m sure your new girl…
Will keep you very happy.
She will take care of sugar in your tea…
Clean your drawer…
Answer your mail…
Make you dessert…
Organize your planner…
Reschedule your meetings…
Jog your memory…
Purchase your medicines…
Iron your shirt…
Do your balance sheet …
Make you a mix CD
Wish you at midnight…
Count your kisses and pay back with interest…
And even read you the morning newspaper…
But hold on…
Why would she do that…
She is the one you love…
Not someone who LOVES YOU.