Date Archives January 2021

Positivity Journal – Magic, Faith or Boohaki?

I’ve come across a belief-system which dictates that if you continue to focus only on good things for 2 whole, weeks your brain re-shifts. This results in full-blown positivity which reflects in your decisions and day-to-day life. And if you happen to know me, you’d know the skeptic-me would be saying: Boohaki.

Nonetheless, I told myself, if I am trying out this whole, new perspective on my career why not do this as an experiment. Which will entitle me to advocate against it but with facts. All you need to do is write down 3 things/activities/experiences that brought you happiness that day. And in just 14 days, you will become a happier and a positive human being <insert eye-roll emoji here>. However, be mindful that a positivity journal is very different from a gratitude journal. The former creates a positive outlook while the latter teaches one compassion and appreciation.

I want to start this with January 14 as it just felt right to document my birthday. Here goes nothing:

  1. I had the best, birthday breakfast ever with my best friend.
  2. My girlfriend surprised me with the most thoughtful of experiences.
  3. My Mom had Ras Malai after years and savored every mouthful.

And that’s it, I’ll continue to document 2 weeks at the end of which I will share my findings with you all. Happy Weekend Everybody!