25 years ago, a blob of pink flesh with an infectious smile and the biggest heart invaded my peaceful suburban household (I named him “Anas” by the way). My parents told me, I now have a Baby Brother, he will be a lifelong friend to me. They were wrong!
He turned out to be my best friend, a confidante, my biggest supporter, my wall, and my Liverpool companion, who taught me everything I know about Art, Photography, Football and Music. If he was here today, he would have been extremely judgmental of my recent, life choices. Strike that! He would have stopped me at the right time.
Dear Anas,
I miss you telling me about music I cannot tolerate, art I don’t understand and goals that just seem impossible.
It is incredibly easy to breakdown and cry every time you cross my mind but it is easier to feel proud of the legacy you left behind. Your art, your paintings, your sketchbook, your camera, your photographs, your friends and everyone you’ve touched with kindness and your generosity, reminds me of just how important it is to be simply a good human being. Thank you for being “You”!
I hope you and Pa are taking good care of each other. I am doing my best to take care of Mom and Areeb but it isn’t much fun without being able to whine about it all at the end of day, hovering over your workstation in your room whilst you completely ignore me, and play FIFA and finally ask me to leave when you say: “Sis you talk too much”. And Happy Birthday my little one!
P.S. Whenever I do something stupid, Areeb goes: Sis, Bobo is judging you right now. And somehow I just know that you are me giving your signature “Seriously” eyebrow arch at that very moment.
Love, Sis!
For those of you wondering, we are Ana, Anas and Areeb but we gave extremely, personalized nicknames to each other as well, Bebo, Bobo and Baby respectively.